
Product and Industry

Fertilizer: Liquid and non-liquid bio fertilizer
• Crop protection: Bio-control bacteria and fungi for Organic Agriculture
• Hydroponic: Bio-control for root rotting
• Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria

• Effective microorganism for feed
• Waste-water treatment bacteria for controlling Vibrio spp.

Industrial Waste Management
• Waste-water treatment bacteria for Aerobic and Anaerobic process.
• Waste-water treatment Enzymes for wasted natural fat and Oil

Feed Industry
• Cordycepin from Cordyceps spp. for healthier livestock and poultry

Supplement and food additive
• Cordycepin for human supplement

Beneficial Microbes in production
1. Bacillus licheniformis
2. Bacillus subtilis
3. Lactobacillus plantarum
4. Lactobacillus acidophilus
5. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
6. Trichoderma spp.
7. Chaetomium spp.
8. Bacillus megaterium

Beneficial Microbes and their functionality
1. Cellulose digesting bacteria and fungi
2. Lipase digesting bacteria
3. Lactic Bacteria
4. Protein digesting bacteria
5. Phosphate/Potassium solubilizing bacteria
6. Acetic acid bacteria
7. Nitrogen fixing bacteria
8. Bacteria used as a larvicide for mosquito control