Our standard product lines include
- Organic fertilizers
- Organic pesticides
- Plant growth regulators
- Agglomerating materials (e.g. producing granular dolomite, filter cake (sugarcane), fly ash, peat, etc. to be used as soil conditioner, organic matter improvement or addition of some macro and micro nutrients such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus , Potassium, and Calcium to motivate plants flowering, fruiting and productivity. All materials used are from composted organic materials and naturally occurring minerals.

We also produce made-to-order organic fertilizers using particular raw materials that contain macro nutrients (N-P-K) and micro nutrients (e.g. Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Boron, Molybdenum, etc.) which are applicable for the following crops:
- Paddy, wheat and Sugarcane
- Palm Oil and Rubber Tree
- Cocoa, Cotton and Maize
- Peppercorn and Chilli
- Coffee and Tea
- Cassava and Potato
- Tomato, Fruits,Vegetables and Flowers
- etc…

There is no content of manure (chicken, pig, cow, horse), soil or sewage sludge mixed in any of the products. With IFOAM regulations, all raw materials must be analyzed and approved by IFOAM prior to the production to make sure that there is no harmful to the plants and the ecosystem.
In case it is required by customers or based on our recommendations after having discussed and analyzed throughly, the following beneficial microbes can be added into our organic fertilizers to help fix or relieve the soil, leaf, flower, root, and trunk problems as well as to promote the plant uptake and growth. These microbes are:
- Trichoderma spp.
- Bacillus subtilis
- Bacillus licheniformis
- Lactobacillus plantarum
- Lactobacillus acidophilus
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Chaetomium spp.
- Bacillus megaterium
These beneficial microbes are normally available in the fertile soil but in case where the soil is depleted, compacted or short of organic matter, it is recommended to add them for sustainable soil management. For more information, please click at the "Microbes" menu on the left-hand tab on this screen. These microbes are also available in powder or liquid form and in individual packaging for ease of usage and reproduction.
(Note: The standard organic fertilizers do not contain any of the above microbes)
Contracted Organic Farming
As part of our business expansion, we can arrange contract with farmers who grow rice, peppercorn and banana. We supply them all necessary organic inputs such as organic fertilizer, organic pesticides and some active microbial necessary for the plantation and make sure that they comply with IFOAM organic farming requirements. This is to ensure our customers that they will receive the right and reliable organic products for their organic markets.
If you think you need a consistency supplies of any agricultural products with organic farming method, we are please to discuss with you to come up with some alternatives for your consideration.